How-to: eCommerce email one-click opt-out for campaigns that last multiple days

Mother's and Father's Days have come and gone, and we saw eCommerce email marketers divided into three camps:

Camp #1: Sent a separate opt-out email

Camp #2: Didn't send a separate opt-out email

Camp #3: Sent out promotional emails with the option to opt-out

I fall under Camp #3.

I know of several companies who did the same, but I noticed that they required people to click on the email > directed to a landing page > then enter their email addresses to opt-out.

A bit of a hassle.

In this post I want to show how I did it but with just one click. No typing required.


Allow people to opt out of a specific campaign with one click and without unsubscribing them completely from your list. This improves CX.

How to do it on Shopify and Klaviyo

What you'll need

  1. Shopify Landing Page (Serving as a confirmation page)

  2. Klaviyo Segment

Step by step

Example: Veterans Day Campaign that lasts for several days over the weekend.

  1. Create a landing page on Shopify. Your copy should say something along the lines of Preferences Saved. Save the URL of this page.

  2. On Klaviyo, create a Segment like VETERANS DAY OPT-OUT

    Segment Definition: What someone has done > Clicked email [at least once] [over all time] > where URL equals [SHOPIFY LANDING PAGE URL]

  3. In your emails, add a "Click here If you prefer not to receive these Veterans Day Emails..." language and link to your Shopify Landing Page.

  4. Optional: Add a tag

And voila! All the people who click on this email will be in your opt-out segment for this specific campaign. They'll still receive your other regular emails.

Next steps

All you need to do now is exclude this segment from all emails related to the specific campaign. You did it!


On my mind: Humanizing eCommerce emails and respecting the inbox


Matching emotions: How I build customer-centric strategies for eCommerce email flows