Essential eCommerce email sequences: Roundup of abandonment flows

(In Klaviyo, sequences are called "flows." I use these two terms interchangeably. I call leads or prospective customers as "visitors.")

Not everyone who visits your eCommerce site is ready to buy.

Sometimes they need more time to think about the purchase or compare with similar products. Sometimes they just get distracted.

Your job is to help, provide value, educate, and (gently) nudge visitors back to your site. You can do all these things via the abandonment sequences.

The four kinds of abandonment sequences

(Plus links to how-to guides for each)

  1. Site Abandonment - For visitors who sign up for your offer, but leave without doing anything the else. Great sequence for self-segmentation.

  2. Browse Abandonment - For visitors who sign up for your offer, click on specific product(s), but leave.

  3. Cart Abandonment - For visitors who add product(s) to their cart, but don't follow through checkout.

  4. Checkout Abandonment - For visitors who have initiate checkout, but don't follow through.


Many eCommerce businesses only have checkout abandonment in place and maybe one other abandonment sequence, but you're leaving money on the table if you don't have all four.

Not only that, these four sequences meet your visitors at different points in the funnel. Use these sequences as an opportunity to educate your visitors and (ethically) gather data to personalize their experience.


DM me @heykatgarcia


We continue with the series tomorrow - next up, the Out of Stock Sequence.


Going beyond "Hi First Name" — 3 easy ways to personalize your emails


On my mind: Humanizing eCommerce emails and respecting the inbox